Utility Rebates

2025 Mass Save rate payer funded programs provide financial incentives for above code new construction and major renovation projects.

Rebates are ever changing; we keep track of them and will work with your project team to ensure rebates are leveraged and optimized.

>>Scroll down for Mass Save Renovation & Addition (R&A) rebates<<

2025 Mass Save Residential New Construction Rebates

For 2024 the Mass Save RNC program has changed dramatically, aligned with the Stretch Code update for projects starting after July 1, 2024. The updated Stretch Code requires <45 HERS for all electric homes. (down from 55).

Electric only, no gas

Per a MA legislative mandate, the Mass Save program will no longer provide any rebates/incentives to homes with gas. In MA, building with electric heatpumps is the MOST COST EFFECTIVE way to meet the updated Stretch Energy code. The Mass Save incentives further the cost effectiveness of proven cold climate heatpump technologies in new homes. We will happily debate this with any hvac contractor or builder, though prepare for a short conversation…..

3 Tiers of Incentives - from fairly easy to …. very involved.

Reference the table above for the 3 ‘tiers’

BASE - $7,500+
Meeting this rebate level is easy for all electric code compliant houses. Meeting the required >15% savings over the baseline utility home (calculated by our HERS Rating software) , is very manageable for a <45 HERS code compliant all electric home.

ENERGY STAR - $15,000+
This rebate requires Energy Star Next Gen Certification with additional over-code ‘performance requirements’ as listed. Energy Star Certification is not very stringent over code, but requires careful coordination of the entire project team. The 45L federal tax credit offers $2500 for Energy Star certified homes. We have a detailed overview of Energy Star Certification here.

PASSIVE HOUSE - $25,000+ .
Passive House Certification (PHIUS typically) is for optimal building performance and includes serious verification and quality assurance. It can’t be ‘backed into’ , and starts with a robust design process. The 45L federal tax credit offers $5,000 for ZERH Certified homes, which is included with PHIUS certification. Note that the PHIUS Prescriptive path is an acceptable approach, which has less soft costs associated with it.

We are here to help with Certification and rebates

Each of the three ‘tiers’ of rebate, requires different levels of HERS Rater involvement. The Energy Star and Passive House paths, are best lead by the commitment of the owner and builder, with the Rater providing limited technical support and the required verification and quality assurance. The Base rebate, requires less technical support, assuming the home design specifications (architecture, enclosure, HVAC) are aligned with the <45 HERS code requirements.

For all rebate paths, we can contribute as needed, to ensure the construction plans and design specifications are on target for the project targeted building performance and Mass Save New Construction rebate preferred ‘tier’ .

Using our extensive energy consulting experience and energy modeling tools, we can help you spec your insualtion, window, and mechanical system approaches on the way to a more efficient, healthy and comfortable home.

We offer the following optional services, often a good fit for high performance projects:

  • Advanced design support - beyond a simple plan review, building science consulting to inform enclosure and HVAC design

  • Heating / cooling load calculation - Manual J sizing calculation

  • Midpoint airbarrier diagnostics - Midpoint blower door test to ensure the airleakage rates are on target

  • Ventilation design - distribution, layout, and system selection

  • Ventilation commissioning - balancing and commissioning at the end of the project

Mass Save Multi Family rebates - 5+ units per building

The 2024 Rebate structure is in the table below. Note this is for both low and high rise buildings.

Each apartment unit in multi family residential projects, is eligible for a rebate through the Mass Save Multi Family program. We will handle all of the administrative requirements. Be in touch with a plan set and we will get you a proposal for code compliance, and will present rebate projections based on the designed specifications. Early energy modeling can firm up a projected rebate package. Additional value we bring our multi family clients include:

  • Plan review and markup relating to thermal enclosure details - professional review to avoid surprises mid construction and ensure the performance targets are on track.

  • Compartmentalization strategies - unit to unit air barrier design and execution support

  • Mock unit testing - midpoint blower door testing

  • Scenario energy modeling - to assess code and rebate implications of various design choices

  • Training and team support - design phase and during construction

  • Over code certification - ZERH for tax credits etc.

Mass Save Renovations & Additions (R&A)- existing buildings, 1>4 units

2025 Mass Save R&A rebates are here! See table listed below for reference

There are 3 ‘tiers’ of rebate , based on modeled energy performance. A reminder that all projects must meet program requirements as detailed on the Terms & Conditions.

Whole House Heat Pump Rebates

For 2025, HERS Raters are submitting Mass Save Whole House Heat Pump rebates for projects successfully completing the R&A program. The program requirements still apply, with the HPIN partnered HVAC contractor responsible for installing right sized program approved equipment (listed on Mass Save QPL list ). We will confirm the old fossil fuel equipment has been decommissioned.

Are we a good fit for your renovation project?

If you are committed to hiring an energy consultant involved in your major renovation and addition project, we’re a likely a good fit.

If you are just looking for rebates for a small or modest re-insulation project without changing the energy performance of your home, we are likely not a good fit. Our capacity is limited, and we are committed to working with clients that will get the most from our expertise.

MA Stretch Code Renovation HERS requirement

Since the 2021 IECC MA Stretch Code, major renovations trigger a HERS rating requirement for existing homes. Due to this , most of our R&A projects will also receive a HERS ratings for code. It is not our responsibility to enforce code, so get a clear direction from the building official before starting.

DOER current Stretch Code community state map - see what towns have adopted the Stretch or Specialized Stretch codes.