Compact Air Distribution
A compact duct system locates the heating/cooling equipment and supply plenum near the center of the home, and locates each room supply grille as close as possible to the supply plenum. There are many advantages to following compact duct design practices as part of an integrated high-performance ducted HVAC installation and a high-efficiency building design. The benefits of utilizing a compact air distribution system include lower installation costs, lower duct losses, equipment downsizing, and higher comfort levels.
There are few key concepts to designing a compact air distribution system.
Locate the furnace or heat pump air handler as close to the center of the house as possible.
Locate supply grilles close to interior walls of rooms where possible. Sidewall registers are preferred.
Select supply grilles that provide sufficient throw to reach exterior walls.
Avoid supplying air to low-load interior spaces such as closets and powder rooms.
Figure 1 - A compact duct layout uses short, straight duct runs and sidewall supply registers that are near the centrally located furnace and direct air towards exterior walls.